Karine Bonneval
born in 1970 at La Rochelle, lives in Center of France since 2010
Karine Bonneval's transdisciplinary practice proposes alternative ecologies for breathing, moving and listening with the plant world. By summoning popular and scientific culture in her pieces, she invites humans to "phytomorphism", to live for a moment a shared time with plants, in dialogue with the air, the ground, gravity. Her work on plants leads her to build rhyzomatic projects that involve people from different worlds, botanists, gardeners, cooks and inhabitants of the places where she is invited to design her projects.
In collaboration with teams of scientists in plant ecophysiology and pedology, her projects look for ways to interact differently with the rest of the living world: Institut Diversité, Ecologie et Evolution du Vivant and NeuroPsi, University of Paris-Saclay / INRAe PIAF, Clermont Ferrand / LASIRE, University of Lille / LadHyX, CNRS-École Polytechnique / Rillig Lab, Freïe Universität Berlin / Soil and crops science section, Cornell University, USA.
After graduating from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux Arts d'Angoulème and the Ecole Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs de Strasbourg, K. Bonneval has exhibited in France (Nuit Blanche / Domaine de Chaumont sur Loire / Micro-Onde / la Maréchalerie / la Graineterie / le Transpalette ...), Germany (Bourse Perspektive / Botanical museum Berlin), Latvia (Un/Green Exhibition), Denmark (AroS contemporary art museum, Haarus), USA (Cornell experimental gallery), Argentina (Centro Cultural Recoleta, Buenos Aires), Sri Lanka (Cinnamon Colomboscope).
With scientist Eric Badel (INRAE PIAF) and Studio Décalé, she won the Carasso Foundation grant "Composing knowledge" in 2019. She is a laureate of the Grantham Foundation residency in Canada for 2023.
Since 2012
Solo exhibitions
The map is not the territory, with Mériol Lehmann, curated by Josiane Poirier, Grantham Foundation, Canada
Se planter, harvesting the sun anf cultivate the rain, Chamarande domain
Berkanan, galerie du philosophe, Carla Bayle
Do trees dream of CO2? Performative piece with Per Hüttner, Teatermaskinen, Suède
Vegetatio, campus greenhouses Paris-Orsay
Do trees dream of CO2 ? performative piece with Per Hüttner, Kuntsi Art museum, Vaasa, Finlande
Nos ADN, collaborative piece, campus Michel Serre librairy , Agen
Langue des bois, with Shoï, Mondes multiples Antre peaux, Bourges
Se planter, ArTeppes, as part of Annecy Paysages
Listening to the earth, la Commanderie, Saint Quentin en Yvelines
Ecouter, manger la terre, culinary performance, lycée des métiers d'art, Vauban, Auxerre
Vertimus, experimental gallery, Cornell University, in collaboration with Johannes Lehmann, scientist, USA
Manger la terre, culinary performance, Maison du conte, Chevilly Larue
Manger la terre, Cahors-Juin-Jardins, culinary performance
Se planter, in collaboration with Emilie Pouzet, Karen Houle and Natacha Seignolles, Malakoff city festival
Sometimes I hear the plants whisper, Berlin Botanical Museum
L'âme des écorces, Louise Michel gallery, Poitiers, curator Dominique Truco
Saccharomania, Domaine de Chaumont sur Loire
Les explorateurs, Cahors heritage library, Cahors-June-Gardens festival
Botaniques, château du Plaix, Drulon gardens, Maison-Ecole Alain Fournier, Lac de Sidiailles, communauté de communes Berry Grand Sud in partnership with the Transpalette, Bourges art centre
Admirables, Chaumont sur Loire estate
Chansons de gestes, collaboration with Charlotte Poulsen, centre international de la céramique, la Borne
Dendromité, ESAD, curated by Gunther Ludwig, Orléans
La cueillette, culinary performance, in collaboration with Carole Bélénus, culinary designer, la Graineterie, Houilles
Explorers, Alliance Française associated with MAMBA, Buenos Aires
Moteurs ! La borne du POCTB, La Châtre
I'm looking for new perfumes, wider flowers, unimagined pleasures, la Maréchalerie, ensa-v, Versailles
Hybrid vehicles, Martine and Thibault de la Châtre gallery, Paris
Group exhibitions
Art season, Chaumont sur Loire domain
Penser comme une montagne, Château de Goutelas and Usine du May de Thiers, curator Sophie Auger Grappin
OMME4, Saint-Jean chapel, Clohars-Carnoët, curator Apte association
10th edition of Champ d'expression, la fourmie-e, Centre Bretagne
Let's go and see! Pays Fort, curator Sophie Auger Grappin
Urbanité verte, Tignous contemporary art centre, Montreuil sous Bois, curator Julie Sicault Maillé
In the garden, Bourges spring with Labomedia
Watching plants grow, with Patricia Cartereau, TALM Anger
Beta ni crue ni cuite, culinary performance with Clément Voisin, Maison des arts plastiques Rosa Bonheur, Chevilly Larue
Faire œuvre en cuisine, Maison des arts plastiques Rosa Bonheur, Chevilly Larue
Déséquilibres, La science de l'art, la Commanderie, Saint Quentin en Yvelines
Festival des Cinémas Différents et Expérimentaux de Paris, le lavoir numérique, Gentilly
Quand, soudainement, université des pluralités, espace Voltaire, Paris
Grounding, soil museum, Saint Petersburg Russia /Ars Electronica
Earthbound symposium, Aarhus, Denmark
Programme Collectif Jeune Cinéma, Mains d'oeuvres, Saint Ouen, France
Le temps du végétal, botanical garden of Nancy, curator Pauline Lizowski
Annecy paysages, Gardens of Europe, Annecy, France
Terre dièse, la Briqueterie, Saint Brieuc
Un printemps dans les marais, MCBourges
Nuit Blanche, with Mains d'Oeuvres and Yes We camp, Nanterre, Vive les Groues,
Le bruissement des solides, with Chloé Silbano, A 2 pas du Sacre, Reims
Concordanse sauvage, with Sarah Battaglia, Arteppes art centre, Mikado, Annecy
10 years of La Borne, gallery le Pays où le Ciel est Toujours Bleu, Orléans
OU\ /ERT - ACT 1 [-scène 1], Phytophilie Chlorophobie Savoirs Situés, Transpalette, Bourges, Curation Jens Hauser and Aniara Rodado
Basculement des mondes, Maison Rosa Bonheur, Chevilly Larue. Curation Pauline Lisowski and Fabienne Leloup
Some of us, Kunstwerk Carlshütte, Büdelsdorf, curator Jérôme Cotinet-Alphaize
Un/Green Exhibition / RIXC Art Science Festival, Latvian National Museum, Riga. Curation Jens Hauser, Rasa ŠMITE and Raitis ŠMITS
De-gardening, gr_und, Berlin co-curator, Perspektive fund
Deep trash: Eco Trash, Bethnal Green Working Men's Club, London. Video programme.
Drawing Storage assonances, alliance française de Bologne, curator Giovanna Sarti
Annexes et digressions 2, with Dominique de Beir and Samuel Etienne, Galerie Réjane Louin, Locquirec
Dans le sens de la barge, la Maréchalerie, Versailles
Se mettre au vert, MAL de Laon, curated by Clotilde Boitel
Utopia Botanica, galerie Laure Roynette, Paris, curators Pauline Lizowski, Soriana Stagnitta
Call of the wild, session of the Collectif Jeune Cinéma, programming by Gabrielle Reiner, Grand Action, Paris
Paysage recomposé, Prieuré de Pont-Loup, Moret sur Loing, curator Virginie Prokopowitz
Comme un frisson assoupi, with Julie C. Fortier, Micro-onde, Vélizy Villacoublay
Black Forest-White Forest, Heritage Days, Château du Dry
Open studios, GlogauAir, BerlinThe fact finder, project space, Berlin
Florales, satellite Brindeau, le Havre, curator Jérome Le Goff
Cinnamon Colomboscope, in partnership with the Alliance Française de Kotte, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Utopies fluviales, dans le sens de la barge, parc du chemin de l'île, Nanterre
Dialogue(s) avec un brin d'herbe, maison des arts de Malakoff, curators Aude Cartier and Natacha SeignollesUmarmen, square Olivier de Magny, festival Cahors-juin-jardins, ressources
Utopies fluviales, prologue, Muséoseine/ dans le sens de la barge, Rives-en- Seine
Projection meeting with Isabel Carlier, le Zo, NîmesFestival Curiositas, Gyff sur Yvette
Castle life, Château du Rivau, Léméré
Transplant, Rencontres Bandits-Mages, Bourges
I have dreamed the taste of crushed brick, curated by Natsuko Uchino and Sophie Auger, la Box, ENSA Bourges
Démoulé trop chaud, Friville éditions, curator Dominique De Beir, Paris
Desseins de mode, Jardins synthétiques, musée Saint Raymond, Toulouse
Microscopie du banc 2, la Graineterie, Houilles
La puissance de l'empathie, Kunstenfestival, Watou, Belgique
Back to the trees, forêt de Chaux
Avec et sans s'tresses, musée de Bourgoin-Jallieu, curator Yves Sabourin
Phantoms et apparitions, château du Rivau, Lémeré
Microscopy of the Bench, curators Sophie Auger-Grappin and Aline Gheysens, Micro Onde, Vélizy-Villacoublay
Dendromity, GlogauAir, Berlin (programme la mire)
Celestial gardeners, earthly gardeners, Biennale d'art contemporain de Melle
Triennale de Vendôme, curated by Damien Sausset
Chimères, Château du Rivau, Léméré
Winter garden, with Marie Denis and Frédérique Lucien, la Graineterie, Houilles
Totally unconceived : l'habit de château, château de Maisons-Laffitte, curated by Aurélie Wacquant
Marc Plas invites, galerie the window, Paris
Le secret, château du Rivau, Léméré
A posteriori, La Maréchalerie ensa-v, Versailles
Culinary design with 4 hands, proposal by Carole Belenus, MAC/VAL, Vitry sur Seine
Passe-moi le sel! 15 th Parcours contemporain, Fontenay le Comte
Dés-tresse et délacé treize, maison des tresses et lacets, parc naturel régional du Pilat, curator Yves Sabourin
Je sème à tout vent, galerie Martine et Thibault de la Châtre, proposition de David Rosenberg, Paris
Les livres de l'or pauvres, maison du livre d'artistes, fond Michel Butor, château de Lucinges
Des Fleurs Sinon Rien ! galerie Odile Ouizeman, proposal by David Rosenberg, Paris
Si l'art de la parure m'était conté, château du Rivau, Léméré
Post ecologia, FASE, Centro Cultural Recoleta, Buenos Aires
La maladie de Flaubert, musée Flaubert et d'histoire de la médecine, curator FRAC Haute-Normandie, Rouen
2km4, for a joyful ecology. Transect arts et sciences, curated by SIANA, Université Paris-Saclay
Portraits de sols, with Quentin Aurat. Exploring soil and sound. Amboise Agricultural High School
Breathing with trees, with Claire Damesin, ecophysiologist. Chamarande Estate
Listen to the earth and plant yourself, with Céline Basset, blue soil farm, soil microbiota. Chamarande Estate
Constellations, barks and micro-organisms, Chamarande primary school.
La plante compagne, UE L2/3, arts plastiques university, Lille
Vegetatio, with Claire Damesin, ecophysiologist, Karen Houle, philosopher and poet, Sylvie Pouteau, biologist, plant ethics, Université Paris-Saclay / REBBEL Besançon network
Sound stroll, Jardin des tuileries, Paris
Phytomorphism, Useful fictions 3, symbiosis, with Guillaume Hutzler and SIANA, école polytechnique
La plante compagne, UE L2/3, arts plastiques university, Lille
Sound walk, Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris
Pollen bouquet, campus du végétal, Brives-Voutezac
Pollenkin, UE L2/3, université arts plastiques Lille
The carnival of wild plants, Lycée horticole, Blois
Art and the living, CIAP Vassivières
Listening to the Earth, When, Suddenly, University of Pluralism, Espace Voltaire, Paris
Roots and Seeds XXI - Biodiversity crisis and plant resistance, Cartography of a Garden, with Leonardo Olats, Maison Malina, curator Annick Bureau
Se planter, ArTeppes, Annecy Vertimus, UE HUNA, University of Orsay
Vertimus, license Art, University of Lille
Vertimus, Lycée horticole Tours with DRAC Centre and the Domaine de Chaumont sur Loire
Mycorhize, Lycée horticole de Blois with DRAC Centre and the Domaine de Chaumont sur Loire
Mycorhize, Collège Debussy de Saint Germain en Laye with the Maréchalerie, art centre ENSAV
Vertimus, ARos, museum of contemporary art, Aarhus, Denmark
50 shades of soil, Cornell, USA
Nos ADN, Auxerre, festival des Sciences
Listen to the trees, Berlin Wedding
Let's mark the trees, PAC class, Bois d'Arcy college and Versailles castle
Au jardin, Victor Hugo college in Bourges, (TREAC), with Baptiste Brevart and Caroline Rosse
Workshop at ESÄ Tourcoing, PRIST
Nos ADN programme, in partnership with the DNA school, Louise Michel gallery, Poitiers
Botanical portraits Bellejouanne, herbariums, micro-organisms and sounds, in collaboration with the landscape designer and the gardeners of the city of Poitiers
Listen to the barks, listening workshop, Berlin botanical garden
Community coalescence, Berlin botanical garden
Botanical portraits, greenlab Cahors
Botanical portraits, Ehpad Chateaumeillant
Constellations, primary schools, Berry grand Sud
L'arbre retrouvé, ESAD Orléans2015Intimacy rooms, Invitation by LARU throughout the year, Manola Antonioli, ENSA Dijon, in partnership with the Maison de la Rhénanie Palatinat and the Pôle Enseignement Supérieur de Musique de Dijon, exhibition of the students' work at the Maison de la Rhénanie Palatinat for the night of the museums
Parader : workshop UE for License 2 and 3, Lille 3
Tenues d'explorateur, workshop soft materials, preparatory class of the art school of Beauvaisis.
A table, workshop UE for License 2 and 3, Lille3
Semaine folle, on the invitation of the plant design group, ESAD Reims
L'homme sauvage, workshop UE for License 2 and 3, Lille 3
Individual mythologies, or how to become a super hero, workshop UE for License 2 and 3, Lille 3
Bento, Classe à PAC, pedagogical project of the Maréchalerie, Versailles
New caves of Thetys, Classe à Pac, pedagogical project of the Maréchalerie and the castle of Versailles
Residencies and scholarships
La Maison Composer, residence in partnership with a mushroom grower, Saints en Puysaye
LASIRE, University of Lille, with Nicolas Visez, aerobiologist
Research residency teatermaskinen, Sweden
Grantham foundation, Canada
Research residency Hearthwise, Bogens, Denmark
Research residency Vision forum, Vaasaa, Finland
Pollenkin, research residency, LASIRE with Nicolas Visez,air chemist, Lille University, ANR grant.
Do trees dream of CO2 ? Research residency, with Per Hüttner and Christine Fentz, Earthbound, Bogens, Denmark
Creation aid DRAC Centre Val de Loire, with Shoï, Langue des bois project
Support to the project of the region Centre Val de Loire, with Shoï, Langue des bois project
Pollenkin, LadHyX with Jean-Marc Chomaz, Ecole Polytechnique, Paris
Watching plants grow CHU d'Anger, artist's workshop, at the invitation of Patricia Carterau
Ursulab, art and science laboratory, Antre peaux, Bourges with Shoï
Se Planter, ArTeppes, AnnecyBourse Helge Ax: son Johnsons with Per Hüttner, Sweden
Production residency mille et un plateaux, Antre peaux, Bourges
Residency at the Lycée Vauban des métiers d'art, Auxerre
Art and science residency at ARoS, Aahrus Museum of Contemporary Art, in collaboration with Secret Hotel, Denmark
Foundation Carasso Ecology and Society Grant, with the Studio décalé and the UMR PIAF of Clermont Ferrand
Production residency at gr_und, Berlin, Perspektiv fund
Working residency at Secret Hotel, Haarus, Denmark
Residency and work in collaboration with the department of pedology and bioacoustics at Cornell University, New York
Residency and collaborative work with INRAE PIAF, Clermont Ferrand (Eric Badel, Bruno Moulia)
Residency at the Berlin Botanical Garden
Creation grant DRAC Centre
Bourse coup de pouce, la Diagonale Paris-Saclay
Plant ecology, residency at Matthias Rillig's laboratory, Dahlem, Berlin
La Mire, a roof above your head, residency in GlogauAir, Berlin
Centre region project grant
Diagonale Paris/Saclay, Art Science grantLa Borne, residency and collaboration with a ceramist
Individual creation grant, DRAC Centre
Lectures, interventions, jury meetings
Sensitive approaches in agricultural education as a driving force for ecological transition, INRAe - Carasso - conscious food systems alliance, bergerie nationale de Rambouillet
ARC anthropocène, ENSA Dijon
Do trees dream of CO2? With Per Hüttner, Kuntsi Art museum, Vaasa, Finland
DNA jury, Dunkerque art college
Possible futures, round table with Marc André Sélosse, Château de Goutelas
Se planter, Master AEP, Université Paris-Saclay
Science Festival, University of Paris-Saclay, with Claire Damesin
DNSEP jury, EESAB Rennes
Open house INRAe PIAF
THS congress, Périphéries, Aubervilliers Trans-generative-2030, ICS Nancy
Se planter, Master AEP, University of Paris-Saclay
Art and the living, PREAC, Limoges : - round table with Gilles Clément, Dénètem Touam Bona, Patrick Nadeau - Se planter, conference with Eric Badel, INRAE PIAF Clermont Ferrand
Earthbound symposium, Weaving with The more-than-Human, Aarhus, DenmarkJ
ury DNSEP ESAD Orléans
Evaluations 1ere année, ENSA Bourges
Beneath the pavement, not the beach, online conference, Ground, Saint Petersburg
Se planter, ARoS, Aarhus, Denmark
Vertimus, EHESS, Paris, at the invitation of Sergio Della Bernardina, seminar "De l'humain animalisé au vivant humanisé"
Natur nach Humboldt, with Matthias Rillig, Berlin Botanical Garden
Sound of soil, colloquium environment and sustainable development, Cornell, USA
Vertimus, lecture at the art department, Cornell University, USA
Dendromity, lecture with Claire Damesin, festival Sciences, Auxerre
Se planter, lecture at Malt Air, cultural center Maltfabrikken, Ebeltoft, Denmark
Se planter, public keynote, RIXC Art Science Festival, Latvian National Museum, Riga
Study day "Art and ceramics", EESAB-Site Qimper
Plant, Forum for Philosophy, talk with Danielle Sands, Paco Calvo, Thomas Greaves, London Vertimus, Cornell, New-york
Art and botany seminar, Lille 3
How to regain enpathy towards the non-humans? talk with Kathrin Grotz ,Matthias Rillig, Sina Rybak, Berlin Botanical Museum
Green SLSA, University of Copenhagen
Crossed perspectives, with Fanny Rybak, Julie C. Fortier, Olivier R. P. David, l'Onde, Vélizy Villacoublay
Member of the jury Bourse coup de pouce, la Diagonale Paris-Saclay
Member of the Jury DNAP, ESADHAR Campus de Rouen
Conference Cinnamon Colomboscope, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Presentation and film screening, médiathèque du grand CahorsLaser conference, Agnes B, with Claire Damesin,
ParisConference Vida, with Claire Damesin , university Paris-Orsay
Comité d'expertise la Diagonale Paris/Saclay
Dendromité, conference with Claire Damesin, médiathèque d'Evry
Chanson de gestes, presentation at the CPES of the Alain Fournier high school, la Box, Bourges
Polycultures céramiques, conference with Sophie Auger, Daniel Pontoreau, Charlotte Poulsen, centre de la Céramique Contemporaine, la Borne
Member of the DNAP jury, ESAÏ Tourcoing
Dendromacy, laboratory of plant ecology, freie Universität, Berlin, conference
Botaniques, conference Université Paris Saclay
Botaniques, conference, biennale internationale de Melle
Member of the jury a roof above your head, programme la mire, Orléans
Réseau TRAM, presentation Jardins d'hiver, la Graineterie, Houilles
Botaniques, conference, ENSA Dijon
Chimères 82, l'herbe : article and presentation at the Musée de l'histoire de l'immigration, Paris
Member of the committee of experts for the Liliane Bettencourt prize for the intelligence of the hand
Member of the DNAP jury, Beaux-Arts de Grenoble
Autour du paysage comme variation artistique, Manège debate, with Gilles Clément and Karen Houle, Versailles
Réseau TRAM, around the exhibition at the Maréchalerie
Art and sciences publications
- Technologies of Care, From Sensing Technologies to an Aesthetics of Attention in a More-than-Human World, - Yvonne Volkart, ed Diaphanes, novembre 2023
- Quantitatitve Plant Biology, Cambridge University Press, translators to weave with the non-humans, May 2022
- Fiction-science, revue de recherche et bricolage sicence-art #0, ESAHaR, 2022
- Observatoire de l'art contemporain, autoportraits d'artistes, à l'invitation de Pauline Lisowsky, 2021
-La langue des bois, l'appropriation de la nature entre remords et mauvaise foi / Scientific publications MNHN, Natures en sociétés ; Sergio Dalla Bernardina, 2021.
- Ten Simple Rules for Hosting Artists in a Scientific Lab / PLOS Computational Biology, January 2021; Matthias C. Rillig, Karine Bonneval, Christian de Lutz, Johannes Lehmann, India Mansour, Regine Rapp, Saša Spa?al, Vera Meyer
- The artist who co-authored a paper and expanded my professional network / Nature, carrer column, february 2020; Matthias C. Rillig, Karine Bonneval.
- Forest biodiversity, soil functions and human behaviour-catastrophe and future /Journal of mountain science, 2020; directed by Zanella Augusto.- Vertimus/ Occulto 7, Art-I-Ficial, October 2020; Eric Badel, Karine Bonneval.
- Artistic growth and the energy of plants; Les carnets du paysage n°36, energy, October 2019; Pauline Lizowsky.
- Sounds of soil; a new world of interactions under our feet / MDPI, Soil system, September 2019; Matthias C. Rillig, Karine Bonneval, Johannes Lehmann.
- There is air and soil / Air Fictions, Particles in suspension, Editions de l'Ecole Supérieure d'Art du Nord-Pas-de-Calais / Dunkerque-Tourcoing, March 2019; Karine Bonneval.
Represented by the Martine et Thibault de la Châtre contemporary art gallery, Paris, from 2002 to 2015 (date of their closure)
DNSEP object group, ESAD Strasbourg, 1994
DNAT with congratulations of the jury, Ecole Nationale des Beaux-Arts Angoulême, 1991