
Research and creation workshops in mental, social and environmental ecology

March 12, 2025
Research and creation workshops in mental, social and environmental ecology

This series of workshops (which will continue from October 2025) is part of a two-year research project two-year research project supported by MSH Paris Nord and co-directed by Manola Antonioli and Antonella Corsani. The project focuses on the ethical-political articulation of three ecological registers: that of the environment that of the environment, that of social relations, and that of human subjectivity (Guattari, 1989) and is rooted in a dual perspective: that of Felix Guattari and that of André Gorz. For Felix Guattari political ecology should not be confined to environmental issues, for that would be not only ineffective but also dangerous.Félix Guattari saw two possible drifts in a purely environmental ecology purely environmental ecology: a right-wing, conservative, even reactionary ecology, and ecobusiness. From this same perspective, André Gorz always insisted on one point: tthe starting point must be a critique of capitalism, which necessarily leads to political ecology and not the other way round.
The aim of the project is to help give theoretical and political substance to the notion of ecosophy by exploring the possible links between social ecology, mental ecology and environmental ecology within the critical literature of political ecology, and in so doing continuing the path  designed by André Gorz and Félix Guattari.

Sessions :
1. 12 MARCH : Ecosophy according to Felix Guattari, introduction by Manola Antoniolo
2. 10 APRIL: Ecosophy according to Bernard Stiegler, introduction by Giacomo Gilmozzi
3. 14 MAY: Ecosophy according to André Gorz, introduction by Antonella Corsani
4. 11 JUNE: Ecosophy according to Charles Fourier, introduction by Patrick Samzun

2km4 sharing time

February 8, 2025
2km4 sharing time

2km4_Pour une écologie joyeuse is a project that brings together artists, scientists and local residents around a line of surveying 2km4 between the Yvette valley ‘below’ and the Saclay plateau ‘above’, and forms of attention to living things.
With the artsts and scientists:Anaïs Tondeur, Karine Bonneval, Xavier Boissarie (Collectif Orbe), Floriane Pochon (Phaune Radio) et les scientifiques Claire Damesin, Marine Legrand, Fanny Rybak, Ludwig Jardillier, Stéphane Bazot, Xavier Aubriot, Michaël Marder...


out of balance

November 29, 2024
out of balance

The French-German project “Out of Balance” offers a unique opportunity to participate in the creation of Riyadh’s first BioArt Laboratory through a 10-day series of workshops. Organized by the Goethe-Institut Riyadh and the Alliance Française of Saudi Arabia, in collaboration with Gharem Studio, this program introduces participants to techniques of artistic work with biological organisms through hands-on workshops, lectures, and seminars.

Video : Emmanuelle Hubaut, Plant me performance, Gr_und, Berlin 2019, Perpektive grant.
Dates: November 24 – December 4, 2024 - Location: Gharem Studio, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Featured Curators
Art Laboratory Berlin :The multiple award winning art and research platform Art Laboratory Berlin (ALB) presents interdisciplinary art projects in an international context. It was founded in 2006 by an international team of art historians and artists – including Regine Rapp & Christian de Lut . There main goal is the presentation and mediation of contemporary art at the interface of art, science and technology. In recent years, ALB has focused on the field of art, the life sciences and artistic research.
Karine Bonneval – Ecosophy Artist. Based in central France, Karine’s transdisciplinary practice explores alternative ecologies for breathing, moving, and listening with the plant world.
Fara Peluso– Bio Artist and Researcher. Based in Berlin and affiliated with the Karlsruhe University of Art and Design, Fara’s speculative research connects humans with living organisms and biological processes, with a special focus on algae.
Helena Nikonole:– New Media Artist and Curator. Currently working between Berlin and Istanbul, Helena’s work spans hybrid art, bio-semiotics, and Artificial Intelligence. She explores utopian post-human futures and critically examines today’s technological dystopias.

  • out of balance

2km4_for a happy ecology-sharing time

September 22, 2024
2km4_for a happy ecology-sharing time

As part of the European Heritage Days
Sunday 22nd September
from 10am to 1pm at the greenhouse

365, Rue du Doyen André Guinier, 91440 Bures-sur-Yvette, France

Free access in the greenhouse to the exhibition
by Karine Bonneval and Anais Tondeur.

You will be able to test the survey line continuously with
the 2km4 radio application from the Orbe collective with FlorianePochon.

There will also be time for artistic sharing:
at 10am and 12pm with Karine Bonneval and at 11am with Anais Tondeur.

All these activities are free.


September 19, 2024

Césaria Evora Gallery
Opening Thursday 19 September, 12 noon to 2 pm

exhibition from 19 September to 17 October, free admission Tuesday to Thursday, 11.30am to 2.30pm

bending - turning - transforming with plants
with SIANA
Galerie Césaria Evora, Université d'Evry, rue du Père André Jarlan,
91000 Evry-Courcouronnes.

Incumbo, bent over the lichens

July 22, 2024
Incumbo, bent over the lichens

An art-science and know-how workshop, as part of the cultural summer. In collaboration with the Friends of Pesselières, the Friends of the Tour de Vesvre and the Université Populaire Loire Vauvise.
With Karine Bonneval, visual artist, and Mehdi Harzallaoui, chiseller.

Monday 22 to Friday 26 July, 9.30am to 12.30pm and 1.30pm to 4.30pm.
In and around the barn of the Pesselières oil mill.

An exhibition at the Tour de Vesvre will open on 3 August.

2km4_for a happy ecology-sharing time

June 20, 2024
2km4_for a happy ecology-sharing time

Thursday 20 June from 6pm to 10pm: 1st festive get-together - on the plateau, in the Moulon district, with all the members of the collective.

From 6pm to 8.30pm, meet the project's artists on the 2km4 survey line. Karine Bonneval, Anaïs Tondeur and Floriane Pochon will be positioned at different points along the transect and will be sharing their work with the public.

From 8.30pm to 10pm, join us for a collective picnic with all the artists and scientists involved in the project. This will be an opportunity to discover the prototype of the "radio 2km4" application from the Orbe collective and to share a free drink.

You can already see the project's first visual experiments at an exhibition organised as part of the 2nd edition of Vegetatio, a day of plant encounters.
Come along from 1pm to 5pm to the greenhouse (bât. 365) on the University of Paris-Saclay Campus to discover the artistic research of Karine Bonneval and Anaïs Tondeur.

Practical information

Meet up on Thursday 20 June from 6pm to 10pm on the lawn of the Parc du Moulon (4 Rue Joliot Curie, 91190 Gif-sur-Yvette). Don't forget to pack a picnic and bring a charged phone and headphones to discover "radio 2km4".


2km4_for a happy ecology - flowers/pollinators

May 28, 2024
2km4_for a happy ecology - flowers/pollinators

From 11am to 2pm (bring a picnic) in the meadow above IDEEV next to the wild apple orchard, Mare du Vivier, 91190 Saint-Aubin.
Listening to pollinators, with Karine Bonneval and Fanny Rybak, bioacoustician at Neuropsi.

a SIANA project

2km4_fo a joyful ecology - water

May 15, 2024
2km4_fo a joyful ecology - water

Paris-Saclay University
Meeting at the pound, bat 330 10h30 am

With Ludwig Jardillier, microbiologist specialising in freshwater environments at the ESE.
sediment from a pond at the Orsay University site to create Wynogradsky's olonnes.
Orsay with a view to creating Wynogradsky olonnes.
With Fanny Rybak, bioacoustician at NeuroPsI, hydrophone listening of invertebrates present underwater.

A SIANA project

The map is not the teritory

May 4, 2024
The map is not the teritory

Exhibition from 4 May to 9 June at the Grantham Foundation, Canada

La carte n'est pas le territoire invites us to consider the ground as a lived space. Each of the two installations in the exhibition attempts to bridge the gap between cartographic tools, which abstractly dissect and synthesise environments, and the extraordinary richness of ecosystems. Formulated in the 1930s by the philosopher Alfred Korzybski, the aphorism that gives the exhibition its title expresses this distance between the representation of the world and reality.

Josiane Poirier, Artistic Director