
Y-aura-t-il de la croissance à Noël ?

December 16, 2022
Y-aura-t-il de la croissance à Noël ?

An exhibition - sale of works at low prices at the Petite Fabrique d'Art.

34 rue Édouard Robert, 75012 Paris.

Friday 16 December from 6pm to 8pm
Saturday 17 December from 2pm to 10pm: opening
Sunday 18 December from 2pm to 7pm

Mondes multiples, antre peaux, Bourges

November 18, 2022
Mondes multiples, antre peaux, Bourges

Langue des Bois, alcove for plant oracle. Produced in collaboration with Shoï and INRAe PIAF.

Saturday 19 and Sunday 20 November, from 2pm to 7pm, Houlocène, Antre Peaux, Bourges.

A carpet serves as an alcove for three ficus trees. Installed on this carpet, with their feet symbolically planted on the ground, the spectators can observe the trees' answers to different questions: questions that we want to ask them, about them, about ourselves, about our relationships. The questions make the plants vibrate, with a vibration that is specific to each individual plant and to each question. This shuddering, visible on a screen in front of the carpet, is translated into sound: it is the "answer" of the trees. Enigmatic, the phonemes emitted constitute a language potentially understandable by all living beings. The tree becomes an oracle.

With the support of Ursulab, the DRAC and the Centre Val de Loire Region.

Science festival

October 4, 2022
Science festival

Maison des écologies Université Paris Saclay, 9 October.
With Claire Damesin, ecophysiologist.
From 2 pm, sound walk, rv bat 336 (greenhouse)
At 4.30 pm Dendromacy,  in intimacy with the tree, conference, bat 338, 1st floor

Champs d'expression

October 2, 2022
Champs d'expression

This year we are celebrating the 10th anniversary of the unique artistic proposal that is Champ d'expression. Contemporary artists are invited to a farm to live for a while and develop a research and creative work in situ, which stems from this experience. What better place than a farm to invite art to the countryside? What stronger symbol for rurality than the farming world, its activities, its buildings, and the way it shapes our landscape? Every year, farms open their doors to La Fourmi-e, welcoming artists and the public, and participating in this artistic and human adventure. In 2022, the journey from farm to farm will highlight farmers who are taking over or setting up a business at a time when it is becoming increasingly difficult to hand down farms. Farms, laboratories of mixed lives and shared experiences where the question of an agriculture of the common is raised, intimately linked to the future challenges of our societies. For this 10th edition, 7 artists, 6 farms.

La Fourmi-e goes back to the source of the adventure, where the artistic circuit laid the foundations of its identity, carried then, with determination, by volunteers, farmers and pioneering artists. To honour this early energy, the association decided to invite these artists from the first edition again. 10 years later, 4 out of 6 are back in the adventure, joined by 3 other artists, on new farms.

From 2 to 30 October in Central Brittany, an event called la fourmi-e


Plantasia, projection, Millenium film workshop, Brooklyn NY

September 13, 2022
Plantasia, projection, Millenium film workshop, Brooklyn NY

A screening and gallery exhibition of work by artists who use the outdoors as a tool.

Millennium Film Workshop
167 Wilson Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11237
Friday, Sept 16
7:30pm doors
8:00pm EST screening

8:00pm EST virtual screening:
Exhibition on view through Friday Sept 23

Listen to the soil, workshop in the écological garden, jardin des Plantes, Paris

July 23, 2022
Listen to the soil, workshop in the écological garden, jardin des Plantes, Paris

Listening to the landscape, the artist Karine Bonneval invites you on a sound and poetic journey to discover the megafauna and mesofauna that inhabit the Ecological Garden, an unsuspected and preserved place in the heart of the Jardin des Plantes.
Perceive the vibrations of the ground, hear a pollinator foraging, listen to a bark under your fingers, this original workshop takes you into a whirlwind of surprising and unexpected sounds.
At the bend in an alley, in the shade of petals, behind a twig, lend an ear.

The weekend of 23 to 24 July 2022. Duration: 30 minutes - Free, with registration - From 8 years old. Meeting point: Summer garden (along the Great Greenhouses).


Allons voir ! Country wedding

July 2, 2022
Allons voir ! Country wedding

For this 4th edition, allons voir ! proposes to artists, selected by Sophie Auger Grappin, to intervene in and around different rural sites, farms, mills, barns (in particular the 16th century pyramidal barns emblematic of this region), or silos or washhouses, in various communes of the Pays Fort: Assigny, Barlieu, Concressault, Vailly-sur-Sauldre, Le Noyer. This artistic tour allows you to discover or rediscover this agricultural micro-region in a new light.

Opening on Saturday 2 July, 4.30 pm, Pyramid Barn, 2 route de Concressault, 18260 Vailly-sur-Sauldre.

With :
Karine Bonneval, with the collaboration of Charlotte Poulsen, Delphine Ciavaldini, Claude Pasquer, Marjolaine Turpin, Vladimir Skoda, Léa Devenelle, Paul Ricci

Curated by Sophie Auger Grappin


Forests nights

June 25, 2022
Forests nights

Forest of Jalognes (18300), place called "le Palais", Saturday 25 June from 3pm to 11pm

Who is this forest right next to us? We sometimes walk through it, without really knowing it. Neither very big nor majestic, it is nevertheless a complex and organised place of life, from which we have gradually disassociated ourselves. Yet we are the forest. Our proposal is to meet for an afternoon and an evening in the communal forest of Jalognes to rediscover it in its complexity, its beauty and its fragility. Personalities from science, forestry and the world of living art will be there as "translators".

A national event coordinated by COAL

Urbanité verte

June 10, 2022
Urbanité verte

On the proposal of curator Julie Sicault Maillé, the collective exhibition Urbanité verte brings together artistic and citizen projects around the issue of nature in the city. Montreuil's market gardening past inspires, the future of our cities is to be dreamt and built.

The exhibition thus proposes a sensitive and reflective immersion from a fictional city without nature to a city that living beings, plant, animal and human, inhabit together and reinvent.

From a picnic in an urban park to the cultivation of vegetables that evoke our roots or to the sheep that graze in the city, the artists invite us, through their paintings, sculptures, installations, videos and drawings, to listen to Marcel Proust: "The only, the true, the only journey is to change the way we look at things".

With the artists: Vaughn Bell / Yves Bélorgey / Karine Bonneval / Nicolas Boulard / Collectif Enoki / Sylvain Gouraud / Clément Richem / Collectif SAFI / Noémie Sauve / Aurélie Slonina
Parti poétique / Olivier Darné / Antoine Perez
And the projects : Faire circuler la nature en ville (Adel Ourabah, Fred Soupa, Matthieu Marchal, Yaacov Cohen)
- La Table & le Territoire (Zone sensible, COAL, LADYSS-CNRS)


open days of the INRAe PIAF, Clermont Ferrand

May 14, 2022
open days of the INRAe PIAF, Clermont Ferrand

In the fields, in the orchard or in the lab, research is open to you for two days of discovery. Around various subjects such as biodiversity, grassland ecosystems, tree resistance to bad weather, cereals, adaptation of plants and crops to climate change, our scientists will present their daily work, their research and their results in an entertaining and interactive way.

See you on 14 and 15 May 2022 (2-6pm) at the INRAE site in Crouël (5 chemin de Beaulieu, 63000 Clermont-Ferrand)

I will present the Vertimus installation with Eric Badel
