2km4 for a joyful ecology, exhibition at Lumen, Paris-Saclay University
Research and creation workshops in mental, social and environmental ecology
2km4 sharing time


From december 3rd 2015 to January 7th 2016 ESAD gallery, Orléans, France

For several years, Karine Bonneval has been working in the plastic arts on the following questions
of life, of the position of man as part of a larger environment.
The exhibition Dendromité (in intimacy with trees), presents recent works around physical, symbolic and physiological exchanges between trees and humans.
It follows an artist residency in Berlin in the summer of 2015, as part of the of the association la mire "A roof above your head" Region Centre-Val de Loire / Berlin.
Among a corpus of hundreds of thousands of Berlin trees, the artist was interested in nineteen specimens that have survived the history of the city, Germany, Europe's relations with the rest of the world, and the scientific emergence. The creation of the sound sculpture Dendromité, including
the title gives its name to the exhibition, tries to develop a proximity with these witnesses
privileged of the long time, singular companions of men.
The exhibition features a digital page by page print of an edition produced by female SADS students. Accompanying the project, the publication echoes Plan(s). It is a synthesis of
research carried out upstream by the artist on each tree. This publication will be printed using the risography process, a kind of automated color-by-color silkscreen printing. It allows you to
the graphic bias of playing with transparencies, superimpositions and their imperfections.
Gunther Ludwig

  • Dendromité
  • Dendromité
  • Dendromité
  • Dendromité
  • Dendromité
  • Dendromité
  • Dendromité
  • Dendromité
  • Dendromité
  • Dendromité
  • Dendromité
  • Dendromité
  • Dendromité
  • Dendromité
  • Dendromité
  • Dendromité
  • Dendromité
  • Dendromité
  • Dendromité
© Karine Bonneval / Delphine Mistier