Research and creation workshops in mental, social and environmental ecology
2km4 sharing time
out of balance

Jardins synthétiques

From October 6th to October 23rd 2016 Saint Raymond Museum, Toulouse, France
Jardins synthétiques

"Fashion designs: Protection and self-projection".
Key elements of our social construction, our fabrics and accessories contribute to group identification or mark our desire for independence. Aware of these issues, the historical representations in the Musée Saint-Raymond collection confirm the existence of very old codes. Later, Balzac reminded us in his book Traité de la vie élégante: "La toilette est l'expression de la société". It reflects the evolution of our ways of thinking and representing, some of which are still true today.
But our second skin is also and before that, a protective dermis to the hazards of our lives, an instrument for creating intimacy beyond the link we maintain with a nature as generous as it is fatal. What's left of it?

Isabelle BARRUOL / Karine BONNEVAL / Emma COTTREEL / Clara DENIDET / Monique DEYRES / Charles FRÉGER / Chantal FOCHESATO / Amandine FACQUER & JAVABE / Rémi GROUSSIN / Claire MAHIEU & Marie-Claire LAFFAIRE / Danaé MONSEIGNY / Miadana RANDRIAMORASATA / Lou ROY


  • Jardins synthétiques
  • Jardins synthétiques
  • Jardins synthétiques
  • Jardins synthétiques
  • Jardins synthétiques
  • Jardins synthétiques
  • Jardins synthétiques
  • Jardins synthétiques
  • Jardins synthétiques
  • Jardins synthétiques
  • Jardins synthétiques
  • Jardins synthétiques
  • Jardins synthétiques
© Karine Bonneval