2km4 for a joyful ecology, exhibition at Lumen, Paris-Saclay University
Research and creation workshops in mental, social and environmental ecology
2km4 sharing time

I sow in the wind

From May 16th to July 20th 2013 Martine and Thibalut de la Châtre gallery, Paris
I sow in the wind

Miguel Chevalier / Zhenchen Liu / Eduardo Kac / Karine Bonneval / Gérard Deschamps /
François Morellet

Let's set the flower free! as part of the : I sow in the wind... 11 Parisian galleries in bloom a proposal by David Rosenberg

A cabinet of curiosities, collective or personal exhibitions of artists from different horizons, performances, poetry, ikebana, art of today and primitive arts... The "Je sème à tout vent" trail explores through the sensitivity of eleven Parisian galleries the place of the flower in the contemporary artistic imagination.

Gallery 1900-2000 / A2Z Art Gallery / Alberta Pane Gallery / arsenic gallery / Christophe Gaillard Gallery / Da-End Gallery / Martine et Thibault de La Châtre Gallery / L'Inlassable Galerie / Nobele Gallery / Ilan Engel Gallery / Odile Ouizeman Gallery


Galerie martine et thibault de la châtre is pleased to present the exhibition :

Libérons la fleur....

To liberate ourselves, let us liberate the flower" wrote Francis Ponge in a rather brief text entitled "L'opinion changeée quant aux fleurs" ("The changed opinion about flowers").
"Let's change our minds about her. Out of this involucre: the concept she became. By some devolutive revolution, let us make it, saved from all definition, to what it is. But what then? - Of course: a concept", he added.

Karine Bonneval
Phylloplasty. Colonised plants with additions borrowed from the cosmetic world.


  • I sow in the wind
  • I sow in the wind
Karine Bonneval