Communicating with plants, updating their rela- tionship with and knowledge of witchcraft, invent- ing eco-technical systems where humans become superfluous, dancing with phytoplankton, planting herbicide-resistant gardens or planting virtual trees to offset the CO2 footprint of our digital life, performing the sick body with organ or molecu- lar transplants, or synthesizing hyper-toxic green pigments, far from the images of the idealised pastoral nature...
The OU\ /ERT artists open up debates around the pervasive greenness trope, get physically involved and bring plants and other symbiotic creatures into the limelight. Trans-species alliances that challenge anthropocentric claims in the age of ubiquitous greenwashing. Distrustful of green and superficial metaphors, they insist on the importance of situat- ed knowledges related to our chlorophyllous fellow organisms, essential for all other forms of life.
I present Dendracy and Palmatomania, as well as the dé-jardiner catalogue, thanks to the support of the Perspektive fund.
Baggenstos & Rudolf / Karine Bonneval / Adam Brown /La Bruja de Texcoco / Jean Marc Chomaz / Dance for Plants /Magali Daniaux & Cédric Pigot / Gilberto Esparza /
Derme & Daniela Mitterberger / Lechedevirgen Trimegisto / José Le Piez et Patricia Chatelain / Eva-Maria Lopez / Francisco López / Agnes Meyer-Brandis / Joana Moll / Špela Petri? /
Quimera Rosa / Roger Rabbitch / Pedro Soler Tiziano / Tina Tarpgaard