2km4 for a joyful ecology, exhibition at Lumen, Paris-Saclay University
Research and creation workshops in mental, social and environmental ecology
2km4 sharing time

When, suddenly

from 1st to 7th october 2021 espace Voltaire, 81 bd Voltaire, Paris
When, suddenly

"What happens when, suddenly, twenty-five artists or artist collectives come together in the same place to question the question of narrative and the changes it can bring? What reopenings of possibilities can emerge from their meeting, from their dialogue with each other, with the public? How can our interactions with these imaginary situations relate to real issues, how can they open up avenues for transformation?

By changing our gaze, our angle, our perspective, we create alternative potentialities. In this place, through the encounter with these works, through the relationships we create, we compose a common shift, in the same desire to widen the paths of future trajectories."

I present Ecouter la terre, a set of ceramics with sounds of invertebrates recorded in situ in different soils.

With (Alternatiba)Mathilde François, Armelle Gautier, Thomas Coispel. Stefania Becheanu. Rocio Berenguer. Karine Bonneval. Nebulx404. NOUS (Telmo Escapil-Inchauspé & Guilhem Solère). Lorène Gaydon. Jacqueline de Gorter. Makan Fonfana, Hugo Pilate. Cerrato Halls. Charles Hayloft. Roberte La Rousse. Collective What if? (Welid Labidi and Max Mollon). Noémie Nicolas. Juliette Pénélope Pépin. Lucie Picandet. aniara rodado. Lola Sauvageot. Marina Smorodinova. Ketty Steward. Myriam Suchet. Laurent Tixador. Lukas Truniger. Really Really. Anatole Abitbol, Ikram Benchrif, Alexandre Ferreira, Paul Girard, Ferdinand Pezin (Residence).

Organised by the University of Plurality; Christine Jean, Daniel Kaplan, Leo Kaplan, Emilie Audibert, Rose Rondelez, Margaux Latour and Chloé Luchs

site web

  • When, suddenly
  • When, suddenly
  • When, suddenly
  • When, suddenly
  • When, suddenly
  • When, suddenly
  • When, suddenly
  • When, suddenly
  • When, suddenly
  • When, suddenly
  • When, suddenly
  • When, suddenly
  • When, suddenly
Karine Bonneval et Chloé Luch-Tassé