2km4 for a joyful ecology, exhibition at Lumen, Paris-Saclay University
Research and creation workshops in mental, social and environmental ecology
2km4 sharing time

se planter

fron June 22nd to 23rd 2019 Parc Léon Salagnac, Malakoff
se planter

Se planter
A proposal by Karine Bonneval and the Studio Décalé, for Naturalle, a celebration of the city of Malakoff

Inspired by the films on the movement of plants as they straighten up, Emilie Pouzet proposes a sensitive and sensory journey through the dance gesture. This workshop is based on the observation-organization of the plant movement. In the meantime, it is a question of exploring together different movement organizations in order to visit, taste and then activate a dance with and for plants. These notions and discoveries of movements in dialogue with the plant thus invite us to change our perceptions of the natural elements and decompartmentalize / open / widen our relationship with life.

Trained as a graphic designer and dancer, these practices have singularly enriched her field of research between the visual arts and dance. Émilie Pouzet develops performances, installations and videos that question the body and its possible paths of representation.

Conference bent in the wind: this reading is performed by Karen Houle, in an invitation to sink into the posture of a plant subjected to the elements. The reader and her audience must then adapt their position and listening to this unpublished text by the philosopher and poetess teacher in Guelph, Ontario.

Plants move, plants bring into play very specific skills and analyses of their environment, what are our common points? Our differences? Together we experience it through all our senses.

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  • se planter
  • se planter
  • se planter
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  • se planter
  • se planter
  • se planter
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  • se planter
© Karine Bonneval