A film inspired by the life of a French explorer: Aimé Bonpland (1773-1858), remained the man in Humbolt's shadow. His career as a botanist took him to Argentina in 1816, where he contributed to the development of maté cultivation. He never returned from this trip, and after many adventures, died in Argentine Mesopotamia in 1858.
2012, 23’54 ‘’
super 8, HD, mini dv, sound: Karine Bonneval
with : Mehdi Harzallaoui, Aurora Arbelo, Nathalie Geffard, José Bonpland, Claudia Nava Courbon, Carolina Bonpland, Paulo d'Ita i Cora,
Voices reading extracts from Aimé Bonpland's notebook kept in the library of the National Museum of Natural History: Mehdi Harzallaoui
A road movie in Argentine Mesopotamia, with the notes of Aimé Bonpland, 19th century botanist and explorer. Following in the footsteps of this historical character who is still moving, the images capture the similarities and differences between 1850 and 2012 in an experimental documentary. The project follows the path of the botanist, trying to trace the changes and subsistence of a territory; it is intertwined with interviews giving some keys to understand the man, with readings of extracts from his Argentinean travel diaries.