
Earthbound 2021 - Weaving with the-more-than-human

September 15, 2021
Earthbound 2021 - Weaving with the-more-than-human

When: the 15th – 17th of September 2021
Where: Aarhus and Mols, Denmark – In Real Life
With concern for the future of all species, EARTHBOUND is an invitation to investigate the state of planet Earth through the arts and sciences. EARTHBOUND symposium both explores and challenges known symposia formats, and aims to foster commitment, and inspire change.
We invite you on a three-day journey through science, art and interdisciplinary meetings conceived as one ongoing immersive experience. As hosts our background is in performing arts and we create atmospheres and spaces that facilitate genuine meetings.
What would happen if humans ceased seeing ourselves as the center of all life on this planet? We believe that it matters how we humans interact with and relate to other living beings and places. Now is the time for a large-scale paradigm shift – we propose to live in Multispecies realities where animals, plants, micro-organisms and landscapes have equal value as humans and Climate Justice is in place. The need for developing new notions and a new language will always be a non-linear process. It means accepting that we enter unknown territory. But we believe it makes all the difference if we do this together, while celebrating interdependencies, and meeting across disciplines and old boundaries.
With EARTHBOUND we seek to stimulate interdisciplinary dialogues and investigate what the climate emergency does to the worldviews and actions of human beings, within the arts, scientific research and other societal areas. We invite artists and researchers to meet and share their views and voices. EARTHBOUND explores the interdependencies between humans and all the other species with whom we share the natural environment of planet Earth and host within our own bodies. The symposium dives into the richness of interdisciplinary approaches and the companionships between beings.
We believe that learning, change and exchange is possible. Art, science, activism and other forms of conscious activity use different methodologies. When they meet with curiosity, creativity and rigour consciousness can grow and cross-fertilisations can happen. We believe we are witnessing a paradigm shift: People are taking action and are finding new ways to secure the livelihood of all living creatures and are embracing the fact that space is something which is shared. With ‘weaving with the More-than-Human’ we gesture towards the interconnectedness of all beings.
EARTHBOUND symposium is based on the core values and holistic principles of the performance theatre Secret Hotel and our sister organisation Earthwise Residency: Care, consideration, respect, sustainability, and exchange of both knowledge and the virtues of pursuing a hunch. Also central to us is living with and learning from domestic and wild animals and plants.
We aim for these principles to permeate every aspect of the symposium; from the invited artists and speakers to the way we structure the event, choice of locations, to the food we serve.
In 2018 EARTHBOUND – The Multispecies Paradigm Shift took place in both Aarhus town and rural Mols. It took its participants on a three-day journey through science, art, interdisciplinary meetings, and changing localities. Our interdisciplinary approach invited artists, researchers, citizens and animals to meet.
EARTHBOUND 2021 offers talks & debates, 6h of workshops running during the three days, performance excerpts, lectures on busses and sharing sessions all delightfully interrupted by vegetarian/vegan meals. The Symposium is created as one durational or staged event structured around stimulating both intellect and senses.
The concept of EARTHBOUND is that everyone participates in all three days of the symposium (taking place in Aarhus and rural Mols), so we encourage participants to arrive the day before September 15th.
You will be in the company of: Natasha Myers, Guðbjörg R. Jóhannesdóttir, Andreas Roepstorff, Tuomas Ruonakari, Sissel M. Bergh, Julia Adzuki, Parnuna Egede, Zeenath Hasan, Thomas Rosendal Nielsen, Esben Bjerggaard Nielsen, Jes Lyning Harfeld, Karine Bonneval, Kuai Shen, Lily Hunter, Rebekah Cupitt and others to be announced. Workshops by Katrine Faber, Lucy Powell and Fröydi Lazslo, and performance excerts by Tora Balslev/Daily Fiction, and Christine Fentz/Secret Hotel.
We gather performing artists, visual artists, musicians, anthropologists, philosophers, researchers of various backgrounds and other people with a holistic approach to or interest in this broad yet essential topic.
EARTHBOUND offers a fourth bonus day on September the 18th. This is a limited offer available only to the first 20 persons who have chosen this option when booking their symposium ticket.
On this day we gather at Earthwise Residency in the middle of Mols Bjerge National Park. The day unfolds organically with a program of eating the best left-overs, walks, sauna or bathing in the ocean, morning dancing and time set aside for conversations.
Using the experiences we gained at Earthbound 2018 we invite you now in 2021, and look forward to meetings In Real Life.
We wish to share practices and facilitate knowledge about holistic understandings of the state of the Globe. This is more important than ever today. Three years have passed since the first EARTHBOUND symposium and the urgency of a game changing paradigm shift becomes still more evident!

EARTHBOUND is organized by the performance theatre Secret Hotel in collaboration with Interacting Minds Center – Aarhus University, Applied Philosophy – Aalborg University, Aarhus Performing Arts Platform, Earthwise Residency and others.



September 1, 2021

Ars Electronica
Dokuchaev centra soil museum, Saint Petersbourg, Russia
September 8- October 10 2021
Grounding is an artistic and educational project aimed at cultivating interdisciplinary interactions in the Art & Science community by means of artistic practices, laboratory research, and public discussions. The public program includes an exhibition and educational events.
I am presenting a new series of three sound ceramics Listening to the Earth, made remotely by the ceramics students of Herzen University in St. Petersburg


20th Naori France Eco-Art, 18250 Montigny, from 7th to 28 August 2021

August 7, 2021
20th Naori France Eco-Art, 18250 Montigny, from 7th  to  28 August 2021

With Philippe Joseph Baschet, Karine Bonneval, Christine Cadorel, Manuel Cordel, Dominique Coenen, Valentine Cotte, Nicole Crestou, Bruno & Hélène Delabarre, Bernard david, Boris Grisot, Pierre Guilloteau, Viola Hering, Myungnam Kim, Jacques Lamarre, Thierry Leproust, Louis Mangin, Francine Michel, Barbara Niklaus, Arlette Legros, Xavier Pradel, Michal Puszczynski, Gilles &Sylvie Rigal, Bernard Thimonnier, Sylvain Thirouin, Jean-Pol Urbain, Sophie Vaidie, Seungho Yang.

Collectif Jeune Cinéma's Temporary Cinémathèque # 11

July 9, 2021
Collectif Jeune Cinéma's Temporary Cinémathèque # 11

Mains d'Oeuvres, 1 Rue Charles Garnier, 93400 Saint-Ouen 7pm.

Programme #11 (77')
- Dendromity ? Karine Bonneval, 2017 ,France, digital, 10'20
In the presence of the filmmaker
- 100 Boyfriends Mixtape (The Demo),Brontez Purnell, 2017, USA, digital, 8'05
- Exclusion Zone, Alexander Isaenko, 2015, Ukraine, digital, 8'40
- The Eye of the Cyclops, Jen Debauche, 2015, Belgium, digital, 50'15

In 2021, the Collectif Jeune Cinéma celebrates its half-century of existence. To celebrate this, we have invited ourselves in residence at Mains d'Oeuvres (Saint-Ouen) in order to set up the Collectif Jeune Cinéma's Temporary Film Library. More than a third of our catalogue will be screened there, with one screening per week on Fridays, and one full Saturday per month. There will be almost 80 screenings in all, with films from 2020 to 1943.
The films will be shown according to their production date, in reverse chronological order and on their original medium. Members of the CJC, all filmmakers, will welcome you to this space which we hope will be as open as possible to all: this is why the entrance fee is free.
Mains d’Oeuvres, 1 Rue Charles Garnier, 93400 Saint-Ouen


June 18, 2021

From 3 July to 26 September 2021 for the fourth edition of the festival.
For this new edition, the route brings together some forty works to be discovered 7 days a week, day and night????
For 3 months, artists, designers, architects and landscape architects are invited to give their vision of the city, by imagining a work created especially in-situ. An invitation to take a walk and... to take your time.

Se planter, sound sculpture, in collaboration with Arteppes, Mikado

#Terre dièse, la Briqueterie, Langueux

June 5, 2021
#Terre dièse, la Briqueterie, Langueux

From 5 June to 3 October, come and discover the Terre Dièse exhibition at the Briqueterie.

You can admire sound, kinetic and ceramic installations through the work of Marion Auburtin, Octave Courtin Karine Bonneval, Yves Chaudouët, Axe-ensemble Myriam Martinez and IOMA.


Le temps du végétal

May 21, 2021
Le temps du végétal

In 2020, the Jean-Marie Pelt Botanical Garden will be celebrating its evolution garden.
In this context, a contemporary art exhibition is proposed, giving another view of the plant world, original, poetic and sensitive.
The exhibition takes as its starting point the herbarium as a cultural heritage, considered in its scientific as well as its poetic dimension, but also the heritage collections of the botanical garden, such as the newly restored botanical teaching boxes dating from the beginning of the 20th century.
These unique and beautiful objects, both educational and aesthetic, will be presented to the public for the first time.
What is the link between us and the plant? What does it say about us? What traces do they leave in our imagination?
This exhibition unfolds like a root system. The works will bring out the various symbols, elements, personalities and territories that are linked to them.
The artists, of national renown, coming from Paris, Lorraine or elsewhere, offer us a personal and new vision of the plant, and reinterpret the history of botany or the notion of the evolution of plants, in the form of sculptures, drawings, photographs or installations. They reinterpret the plant, metamorphose it and give rise to new ways of considering it as a poetic subject. The works also remind us of the fragility of nature
The works also remind us of the fragility of nature, the need to know it and to love it, quite simply.

Curator: Pauline Lisowski
Artists : Karine Bonneval, Isabelle Bonté-Hessed2, Marie Denis, Snezana Gerbault,
Laurence Gossart, Frédérique Hervet, Animalia Plantae (Julien Matoska).


A season in the swamps #2

March 27, 2021
A season in the swamps #2

Maisondelaculture is happy to be back at the Marais de Bourges! For this second edition, we have invited three women artists to question - each in her own way - our relationship with plants.

Laurence Bernard imagines a legend according to which, every spring, two stones from the Yèvre and one from the Voiselle join together on the plot of land opposite the Courcillière to transform themselves. Installed in the axis of the cathedral, an edifice of embroidered bodies will be progressively invaded by climbing plants, giving way to a moving silhouette dependent on the flora and the elements. With this installation entitled Une échappée, Laurence Bernard questions nature's capacity to take over from humans and to reappropriate them over the course of the months.

Karine Bonneval created Vertimus*, an installation of performative pieces for trees and humans that invites visitors to look at the landscape while anchored to the ground, like a plant. She collaborates with the INRAE PIAF in Clermont-Ferrand and Studio Décalé, who are developing a reflection on the adaptive behaviour of plants. The sculptures of postures, created in collaboration with the maisondelaculture workshop in Bourges, are a kind of practicable apparatus, inviting us to recompose our movements according to external demands. To try to become a plant for a moment.
* This project is supported by the Carasso Foundation.

Francine Michel works with clay in colombins that she superimposes one on top of the other like automatic writing to create a form that will be coloured and fired at high temperature and will thus become its own entity. Her installation in the marshes is about the interaction of dwellings in nature and questions about a balanced cohabitation. She questions the relationship between nature and buildings. Does the tree have a place in the city and what space is reserved for it? Trees in parks? Where does everyone fit in?

free of charge on reservation with Mariana 02 48 67 74 62

MCBourges Website

Beneath The Pavement, Not The Beach

November 21, 2020
Beneath The Pavement, Not The Beach

Saturday novembre 21st  2020
from 10:00 UTC+01 à 14:00 UTC+01
Art & Science Master's program
on line event
On November 21 at 12 am (UTC+3), the opening conference "Beneath The Pavement, Not The Beach" will take place and bring together artists, philosophers and soil scientists from different countries to build an alternative map of the heterogeneous soil space.


24th Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival, Czech republic

October 28, 2020
24th Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival, Czech republic

From its first edition 24 years ago, the Ji.hlava Intl. Documentary Film Festival, running Oct. 27-Nov. 8, has always gone its own way — largely thanks to director Marek Hovorka and his team, who never wanted to run just another venue for screening docs.

The Czech Republic’s prime doc event continues that mission even as it’s been forced by government COVID-19 safety restrictions to go fully online. A digital version will in fact be a permanent Ji.hlava feature going forward, Hovorka says, but after this year it will be balanced with live events to create a hybrid fest format.Experimental film is another Ji.hlava forte as seen in the Fascinations section. This edition is built around the theme of gardens with some 15 films ranging from the 1932 short essay “Poem 8” by the artist Emlen Etting, known for illustrating Kafka books, to French think piece “Dendromite,” a 2017 work by Karine Bonneval that uses thermographic imagery to explore “philosophical-ethical questions about the possibilities of man’s intimate relationship to nature.”
